Abortion is a hot topic in the nation today, and talking about it is critical. Women deserve the facts about the procedures, side effects they may experience, and potential risks. At the PRC, we believe in talking openly about every woman’s unique situation and each option, including abortion.
We don’t judge, manipulate, or make up horror stories. Our client advocates talk with you objectively about your life and goals for the future. All of our conversations and your test results are free and confidential.
A Few Abortion Myths
The following are some myths about abortion you should consider:
1: Abortion Isn’t a Major Medical Decision
There are potential consequences to any drug or medical procedure. All you have to do is listen to drug commercials to hear the long list of possible complications at the end.
Abortion is no exception. The label of one of the abortion pill drugs, mifepristone, lists potential complications. For that reason, the FDA highly regulates this drug. The label states: WARNING: SERIOUS AND SOMETIMES FATAL INFECTIONS OR BLEEDING.
Although abortion providers say abortion is entirely safe, there are restrictions. The FDA approves the use of abortion pill drugs through 10 weeks of pregnancy only. The Mayo Clinic lists other reasons why the abortion pill method may not be an option for you.
2: An At-Home Abortion is Easy
One of the reasons women pursue an at-home abortion is privacy. They’re either unable to talk with others about their pregnancy or, for whatever reason, do not want others to find out. By undergoing an abortion alone, a woman does not have the immediate oversight of a healthcare professional.
An at-home abortion uses drugs to terminate a pregnancy. Although every woman’s experience with the drugs is different, she should expect uterine bleeding and cramping. But how does she know if she’s bleeding too much or the cramping is at a dangerous level?
Some women report severe bleeding and extreme pain. One study found that women were caught off guard by the amount of pain. They felt they weren’t fully prepared for what to expect, causing anxiety.
3: Abortion Is the Only Choice for an Unplanned Pregnancy
Many women assume abortion is their only choice for their unplanned pregnancy. They believe having an abortion makes the “problem” go away. We discuss the potential emotional effects abortion can have in What Are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion? For some women, abortion only intensifies their anxiety.
You do have two other choices, although both require you to carry your pregnancy to term. We can discuss the possibility of making an adoption plan. It can be a difficult decision that, like abortion, involves loss and sadness. But placing your child for adoption lets you select the adoptive parents and the future you want your child to have.
Parenting is your other choice. For some women, it may be possible with determination, education, and the support of others. We can provide that education and support.
Comanche County has a wealth of support for single mothers, and we can help you connect to them. The client advocates at the PRC promise to come alongside you and support you physically and emotionally.
Here, You Have Someone to Talk To
We never want you to feel alone when it comes to dealing with your unplanned pregnancy. If you feel you have no one to talk to or you need to keep your pregnancy a secret, you can come to us. Our conversations and any pregnancy-related services you receive remain strictly confidential.
Please schedule a free appointment online, call (580) 536-4040, or text us at (405) 362-6008. We are here for you.
The Pregnancy Resource Center of Southwest Oklahoma does not provide or refer for abortions.
All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.