the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion

Whether you take abortion drugs or have a surgical abortion, there is the possibility that the procedure will be incomplete. An incomplete abortion means the pregnancy was terminated, but pregnancy tissue still remains in your uterus.

When pregnancy tissue remains in your body, it can cause severe bleeding, infection, or even death. Recognizing the signs of an incomplete abortion is vital to your health.

The Abortion Pill Method

The abortion pill is two abortion drugs taken over a 24 to 48-hour time period. The first drug, mifepristone, blocks the hormone progesterone from reaching the pregnancy. Without progesterone, a pregnancy cannot develop.

Misoprostol, the second drug, causes bleeding and contractions to remove the pregnancy and other tissue. However, there are times when the drugs do not cause all of the tissue to expel from the uterus. This is known as an incomplete abortion.

Recognizing an incomplete abortion is essential if you take abortion drugs to terminate your pregnancy because you take these drugs at home without the immediate supervision of the abortion provider.

Surgical Abortion

Although an incomplete abortion is less likely with a surgical procedure, it is possible. Depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy, the abortion provider uses suction and possibly a scraping tool to remove the pregnancy and tissue.

The provider may miss some of the pregnancy tissue while performing the procedure.

Symptoms of an Incomplete Abortion

An incomplete abortion prevents the uterus from returning to its pre-pregnancy state. Some of the symptoms of an incomplete abortion include the following:

  • Heavy bleeding
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Blood clots
  • Fever
  • Hypomenorrhea (light of infrequent menstrual periods)
  • Infection
  • Pelvic pain

Experts suggest you may not experience problems for days, weeks, or even months after the pregnancy ends. They also suggest you are at greater risk of an incomplete abortion if you have an abortion in your second trimester (weeks 13 to 26).

Seek immediate medical attention if you experience the following:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Heavy vaginal bleeding
  • High fever
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Severe pelvic pain

Before Considering Abortion

Come to the Pregnancy Resource Center for free pregnancy confirmation before choosing an abortion. We will confirm your pregnancy with a free and confidential medical-quality pregnancy test. If the test is positive, you may be eligible for a free limited ultrasound.

Protect your health by getting the facts about your pregnancy and abortion first. You also have other options. Schedule your free appointment with a trained staff member today by filling out our online form, or you can call or text us. We’re here for you.