Every woman’s experience with an abortion is unique. Many women say they feel immediate relief afterward, but some begin to have emotional problems days, weeks, or even years later. Sadly, most women don’t talk about their experiences. They may feel shame, regret, or worse.
Can an Abortion Cause Mental Health Problems?
The experts at the Mayo Clinic admit that a medical abortion (the abortion pill method) is a significant decision with “emotional and psychological consequences.”
One research study concluded the following about some women’s reactions to their abortions:
- Abortion is consistently associated with elevated rates of mental illness compared to women without a history of abortion.
- The abortion experience directly contributes to mental health problems for at least some women.
- There are risk factors, such as pre-existing mental illness, that identify women at the most significant risk of mental health problems after an abortion.
What Do Some Women Experience?
Various studies have found several different health concerns for women affected emotionally by their abortion. Here is a list to consider:
- Guilt/Shame
- Depression/Anxiety
- Anger/Rage
- Increased Sexual Activity
- Poor Self-Esteem
- Drug/Alcohol Abuse
- Nightmares or Problems Sleeping
- Post – Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Troubled Relationships
Before An Abortion
There are some steps you should take first if you are considering an abortion.
- Meet with your healthcare provider to discuss your current medications and physical and mental health.
- Confirm your pregnancy with a pregnancy test and ultrasound exam.
- Oklahoma banned abortion unless it is to save the life of the mother. If you are considering taking abortion drugs (the abortion pill method), it’s vital you know the number of weeks of pregnancy. The FDA only approves these drugs through 10 weeks of gestation.
How Can the PRC of Southwest Oklahoma Help Me?
Although we do not perform or refer for abortion, we will provide you with factual information about abortion procedures, the side effects to expect, and potential physical and emotional risks.
We can also confirm and date your pregnancy. At our center, we provide a free self-administered pregnancy test. If your test is positive and you meet the eligibility criteria, we may offer a limited ultrasound exam. Ultrasound is the easiest and most effective way of confirming your pregnancy.
An abortion is a serious medical decision. Learn about all of your options. We will equip and empower you to make a confident choice.
Schedule a free and confidential appointment today.