Only you can answer the question of whether having an abortion or making an adoption plan is best for you and your future. It’s a big decision with totally different outcomes. We’ll give you some facts about both and so you can make an informed decision. We’ll be happy to chat with you if you need someone to talk to. Call, text, or schedule a free appointment today.
Some Facts About Abortion
Abortion providers use various methods to end a pregnancy. Every method has side effects, such as bleeding and cramping. How far along you are in your pregnancy determines the abortion method you qualify for.
There are two types of abortion: medical and surgical. A medical abortion uses drugs to end a pregnancy. If you are familiar with the abortion pill, this method uses a highly regulated drug called mifepristone to end a pregnancy.
The FDA approves these abortion drugs through 10 weeks of pregnancy only (70 days from the first day of your last menstrual period). If your pregnancy is longer than 10 weeks, you may need to have a surgical procedure.
Surgical abortions require dilation (opening) of your cervix and usually local or general anesthesia. Abortion providers use instruments such as vacuum aspiration, scraping tools, and potentially forceps to remove the pregnancy.
Some Facts About Adoption
Placing your child for adoption is not an easy decision. Like having an abortion, making an adoption plan involves loss and sadness. But, with adoption, you have the potential to build a relationship with your child and their adoptive family.
There are three types of adoption: open, semi-open, and closed. You choose the plan that you are most comfortable with. Open adoption provides full access to the adoptive family you select. Semi-open adoption provides access, but a third party, such as your adoption agency, handles all communication. It offers more privacy. A closed adoption provides complete anonymity.
As an expectant woman or birth mother, you choose the future you want your child to have. You select the couple that raises them and the environment they live in. There are many potential adoptive couples to choose from. You want to find the ones that value the same things you do.
Depending on the type of adoption plan you choose, you can meet the family you choose before giving birth. It assures you that you’ve made the right choice. An ongoing relationship between you, the adoptive family, and your child benefits everyone.
Placing your child for adoption costs you nothing. Your medical expenses are covered if you don’t have insurance. Sometimes, you can receive assistance for other pregnancy-related costs such as rent, utilities, food, clothing, etc.
How Can the Pregnancy Resource Center Help Me?
What to do about your pregnancy is a big decision affecting not only today but your entire future. Both abortion and adoption can have emotional consequences, so you need to be confident you are making the right choice.
At the Pregnancy Resource Center, a member of our team can discuss your situation and help you decide what to do next. Although we do not perform or refer for abortion, we can give you factual information. We also do not place children for adoption, but we can offer referrals to reputable adoption agencies in our area.
While you are working through your decision, we provide six months of free prenatal vitamins to keep you healthy.Don’t feel you have to face this decision alone. We are here for you. Call or text us, or schedule a free, confidential appointment through our online contact form.