Discovering you are unexpectedly pregnant is a shock. You never imagine it could happen to you. So what do you do? You didn’t intend to be pregnant, and you don’t want to be pregnant. You have a big decision to make, but you also have options. Let’s take a look.
What Are My Options?
When you become pregnant, you have three options: have an abortion, make an adoption plan, or parent. Each choice is life-changing, so learn as much as possible.
Before you make a decision, you will want to confirm your pregnancy. Experts estimate that as many as 26% of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage, and most of those occur in the first 12 weeks.
The Pregnancy Resource Center offers free pregnancy tests. If your test from our center is positive, we may recommend you for a free limited ultrasound.
An ultrasound confirms whether your pregnancy is developing or if you have miscarried. It also determines how far along you are and if the location of the pregnancy is correct.
If you don’t want to be pregnant, your only option is to end your pregnancy by abortion. However, abortion has the potential for physical and emotional consequences. The FDA approves the use of abortion drugs (the abortion pill method) through 10 weeks of pregnancy.
The farther along you are in your pregnancy, the less effective the drugs are. You run the risk of an incomplete abortion. When an abortion is incomplete, the drugs end the pregnancy, but not all of the pregnancy tissue leaves your body, so it’s possible to get a serious infection.
Our center does not perform or refer for abortion, but we can give you factual, medically based information on the procedures, side effects, and possible risks.
The process of making an adoption plan for your child has changed dramatically. Today, the expectant mother or birth mother makes all of the decisions. You choose the adoptive family and the future you want your child to have. You also decide how much communication you wish to have with the family as your child grows.
All your medical and legal expenses are covered if you work with a reputable, licensed adoption coordinator. It costs you nothing to place your child for adoption. In addition, you might receive additional coverage for other pregnancy-related expenses such as rent, food, and transportation.
Your third option for your pregnancy is to parent your child. Although this may seem physically and emotionally impossible, you may be surprised at the many resources available.
Parenting is challenging and exciting, and it requires a tremendous amount of dedication and love. If you are considering parenting, we can discuss your situation and help you get the needed assistance.
Many women find ways to continue their education, build careers, and create a stable future for themselves and their children. We offer education and support to help you feel equipped and ready to parent.
Visit Us Before Moving Forward
You have a big decision to make that will impact your future forever. What your life looks like today won’t be the way it looks in a year or two. Think ahead. Get the facts on all your options.
Make a confidential appointment at the Pregnancy Resource Center. We’re here for you.
All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.