Before making any decisions about an abortion, it’s crucial to gather some essential information, and an ultrasound is vital to unlocking these details. An ultrasound can provide three critical pieces of information that will guide you in understanding your options.
An ultrasound will tell you the age of your pregnancy, verify its location, and determine its viability (if it’s progressing). If you are eligible, you can get a free limited ultrasound at PRC of Southwest Oklahoma. Reach out to us to schedule an appointment.
Pregnancy Age
Your gestational age, or how far along you are, can be accurately dated with an ultrasound. Period tracking apps and other methods are less reliable at predicting how long you’ve been pregnant.
Knowing this when considering abortion lets you know which procedures are available to you. For instance, the abortion pill is only FDA-approved through ten weeks of gestation.
Pregnancy Location
Typically, the embryo implants itself in the lining of the uterus, but in rare instances, it can implant outside the uterus, most often in the fallopian tubes. This is known as an ectopic pregnancy.
Unfortunately, a pregnancy cannot continue in any location outside the uterus, and an ectopic pregnancy can lead to serious, potentially life-threatening complications. In such cases, abortion is not the correct procedure to address this condition.
An ultrasound is essential in determining the location of your pregnancy and ensuring that you receive the proper care.
Pregnancy Viability
An ultrasound plays a crucial role in assessing whether the pregnancy is developing. Since about 26% of all pregnancies can end in miscarriage, it’s important to check for the viability of the pregnancy early on.
If a miscarriage is detected, it means that the pregnancy is not progressing as expected, and in such cases, an abortion would not be the appropriate treatment. Instead, different medical care might be needed to protect your health and well-being.
Protect Your Health
You can protect your health by getting an ultrasound to learn more about your pregnancy. PRC of Southwest Oklahoma offers free pregnancy tests and a limited ultrasound if you qualify.
We’re also here to go over your options to help you access resources and support during this critical time.
Make a free and confidential appointment today.
*All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.